Here you will find our Knowledge Organisers.  These are for all students in Years 7-11. This document will hopefully aid you and your child in seeing the key knowledge to focus on for each term.  The curriculum students study in Key Stage 3 has been designed to be engaging and to lay the foundations for successful progression to Key Stage 4 and beyond.  Similarly, the Year 10 curriculum lays further layers of knowledge to be built upon in Year 11. The knowledge and skills acquired by students during Key Stage 3 and Year 10 are essential for future success in GCSE and beyond.  

Towards the end of each term, all students complete the same assessments as their peers. Crucially, these assess all of the knowledge and skills taught to students up to that point. Content within the knowledge organisers forms the basis of these assessments. For example, approximately 80% of the assessment in the Spring term will be based on the current spring term and the remaining 20% will be based on this autumn term. Therefore, it is essential students revisit their knowledge organisers from each term to support their revision.   

Finally, as part of our drive to expand vocabulary and improve reading skills, the knowledge organisers also contain tier 2 and 3 vocabulary lists. These are key terms that students are expected to define and use within their speaking and writing to be successful at school and beyond. Tier 2 are generic academic terms used across the curriculum and tier 3 is subject specific vocabulary. We would encourage you to support your child in learning these at home.  


Year 7

Autumn Term 23/24

Spring Term 23/24

Summer Term 23/24

Year 8

Autumn Term 23/24

Spring Term 23/24

Summer Term 23/24

Year 9

Autumn Term 23/24

Spring Term 23/24

Summer Term 23/24

Year 10

Autumn Term 23/24

Spring Term 23/24

Summer Term 23/24

Year 11

Autumn Term 23/24

Spring Term 23/24